

Site information

国家基因组学数据中心 (NGDC) 是中国国家生物信息中心 (CNCB)的一部分,通过提供对一系列资源的开放访问来推进生命与健康科学



**National Genomics Data Center** The National Genomics Data Center (NGDC) was established in 2007 and is located in Beijing, China. The NGDC is a national-level data center for genomics and related biomedical data. The center's mission is to provide a comprehensive platform for the storage, management, analysis, and sharing of genomics and biomedical data. The NGDC also provides a range of services to support the research community, including data analysis, training, and outreach. **Highlights** * **Comprehensive data collection**: The NGDC collects and stores a wide range of genomics and biomedical data, including sequence data, variant data, gene expression data, and clinical data. * **Data quality control**: The NGDC implements a rigorous data quality control process to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data it stores. * **Data analysis tools**: The NGDC provides a range of data analysis tools to help researchers explore and analyze the data it stores. * **User support**: The NGDC provides a range of user support services, including training, documentation, and technical support.