Site information
国家基因组学数据中心 (NGDC) 是中国国家生物信息中心 (CNCB)的一部分,通过提供对一系列资源的开放访问来推进生命与健康科学
**Site Highlights:**
* **国家基因科学数据中心** is China's national center for the storage, management, and sharing of genomic data.
* The center provides a comprehensive collection of genomic data, including genome sequences, gene expression profiles, and epigenetic data.
* Researchers can access the data through a user-friendly online platform, which allows them to perform a variety of analyses.
* The center also provides a range of educational resources, including tutorials, workshops, and online courses.
* **国家基因科学数据中心** is an essential resource for researchers in the field of genomics. The data and resources provided by the center can help researchers to advance our understanding of human health and disease.