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国家基因组学数据中心 (NGDC) 是中国国家生物信息中心 (CNCB)的一部分,通过提供对一系列资源的开放访问来推进生命与健康科学



The National GenBank of China (CNGB) was established in May 2008 by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI). It was established to meet the requirements of China's "11th Five-Year Plan" for the development of biotechnology and aims to preserve biological resources and promote the research and utilization of life sciences and biotechnology. CNGB has also been entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology to be responsible for the construction, operation and management of the National GenBank by integrating resources invested in the country. At the same time, it has also undertaken the task of coordinating international scientific research cooperation and data exchange in the field of bioinformatics.