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The BMC website provides information services free of charge to readers, and its published online journals are freely searchable, readable, and downloadable in full text by readers worldwide



**Highlight of BMC*Biomedicine** BMC*Biomedicine is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality research articles in all areas of biomedicine. The journal is committed to publishing articles that are scientifically rigorous, methodologically sound, and of broad interest to the biomedical research community. BMC*Biomedicine is a member of the BMC family of journals, which are all committed to open access and the highest standards of scientific publishing. The journal is indexed in PubMed, MEDLINE, and other major databases. **Key Features of BMC*Biomedicine** * Open access: All articles are freely available online to anyone with an internet connection. * Peer-reviewed: All articles are subject to rigorous peer review by experts in the field. * Broad scope: The journal publishes articles in all areas of biomedicine, including basic research, clinical research, and translational research. * High impact: The journal has a high impact factor, which means that its articles are frequently cited by other researchers.