

Site information

The BMC website provides information services free of charge to readers, and its published online journals are freely searchable, readable, and downloadable in full text by readers worldwide



**BMC**Biomedicine is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles in all areas of biomedicine. The journal is committed to providing a forum for the dissemination of high-quality research findings that advance our understanding of human health and disease. **Highlights:** * Open access: All articles are freely available online, without subscription or registration. * Rigorous peer review: All articles are peer-reviewed by experts in the field, ensuring the quality and validity of the research. * Broad scope: Covers all areas of biomedicine, including basic research, clinical research, and translational research. * Rapid publication: Articles are published online as soon as they are accepted, allowing researchers to share their findings with the scientific community quickly. * High impact: The journal has a high impact factor, indicating the quality and significance of the research it publishes.