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KEGG,(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes,京都基因与基因组百科全书)。是一个整合了基因组、化学和系统功能信息的数据库,旨在揭示生命现象的遗传与化学蓝图。它是由人工创建的一个知识库,是基于使用一种可计算的形式捕捉和组织实验得到的知识而形成的系统功能知识库。



**KEGG Drug Database** The KEGG DRUG database is a collection of information on the chemical structures, biological targets and pathways of drugs and other bioactive molecules. The database is divided into several sections, including: * **Drug Information:** This section provides information on the chemical structures, molecular weights, and other physical and chemical properties of drugs. * **Target Information:** This section provides information on the molecular targets of drugs, including proteins, enzymes, and receptors. * **Pathway Information:** This section provides information on the metabolic and signaling pathways in which drugs are involved. The KEGG DRUG database is a valuable resource for researchers and drug developers. It can be used to identify new drug targets, design new drugs, and understand the mechanisms of action of existing drugs.